Living Hope Ministries Today is elated to announce the upcoming release of our discussion forum, a place where you can come and talk with other Living Hope friends about topics relating to our mission and message.
We're going to start with a forum on coping with depression and see how it goes from there.
We choose this topic because of Lynne's personal experience of loss. Lynne herself will be on the forum, sharing and helping those who come and discuss their stories and struggles.
Friends who participate in the forum will have an option to be anonymous and Living Hope Today Ministries will administrate these pages carefully to make sure that they are safe and respectful to each friend who comes here to discuss these topics.
Have a topic you'd like to discuss? Get in touch with us by heading over to our "contact" page and sending us an email.
If you're not a friend of Living Hope Ministries Today already, sign up at the friends page and join our growing community of individuals who are being empowered with hope.
Thanks as always for your support and interest!
-Lynne Jordan for Living Hope Ministries Today
We're going to start with a forum on coping with depression and see how it goes from there.
We choose this topic because of Lynne's personal experience of loss. Lynne herself will be on the forum, sharing and helping those who come and discuss their stories and struggles.
Friends who participate in the forum will have an option to be anonymous and Living Hope Today Ministries will administrate these pages carefully to make sure that they are safe and respectful to each friend who comes here to discuss these topics.
Have a topic you'd like to discuss? Get in touch with us by heading over to our "contact" page and sending us an email.
If you're not a friend of Living Hope Ministries Today already, sign up at the friends page and join our growing community of individuals who are being empowered with hope.
Thanks as always for your support and interest!
-Lynne Jordan for Living Hope Ministries Today